With the internet everywhere, content aggregators, broadcasters, and content producers are compelled to find new delivery channels. SMART TV happens to be the next trend riding the wave. Ofcourse, we need to see how SMART TV concept catches up in India as there is cost barrier. SMART TVs are finding their ways in west, however, it remains to be seen whether they can double up as an effective delivery medium. In my view, the major concern is that, the user still has to switch to TV application from main screen to access. As a viewer, I don't find it convenient to navigate, every time I need to access TV app, rather I user my tablet to access app. I wished, TV applications being displayed alongside main screen, more as a companion one and had access to the context of the content being broadcast. This is the tricky place to be in and I am not sure, it is going to be reality because of content protection policies. However, one thing is for sure, the broadcasters are sitting on...
Think simple, Ink simple.