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Showing posts with the label Drupal

Experiments with Alfresco

Why Alfresco, not any other? I personally find Alfresco has many features already built in that can be used for office automation and collaboration along with content management. Having said that I dont think, Alfresco user interface is one of the greatest to use. However, UI is good enough to carry on the work. I feel, as far the enterprises are concerned, getting the relevant business functionality assumes greater importance. I am listing some of the features, I find it useful for organization. - Built in content model, role, aspects, rules are good enough to implement workable solutions - Well built document management system extended to manage records as well - Alfresco share, a web application for collaboration is good enough for the kind of collaborations we normally perform in organizations - Google like search - Ability to use Google docs as repository (simple enablement in configuration) - Ability to create access controlled repository - Ability to expose repository as network...